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Environment and Sustainability

 recycle bins in the Pelourinho, Salvador brazil .jpg

Environment and sustainability - We intend the FEELn festival to benefit the environment and help the community value its heritage.


By holding the FEELn festival in the historic buildings of Salvador and the Pelourinho we are not only uniquely showcasing the festival but also limiting construction and disruption to the environment around the Festival, boosting the local economy and bringing more awareness to the beauty history and importance of the Pelourinho. In addition, we shall be implementing several environmental initiatives in the festival area.


1. We will ensure all the spaces we use have recycle bins, and free water supplies allowing people to discard their paper, plastic and waste products correctly while reducing the need for plastic water bottles to be purchased.


2. The FEELn festival will donate to the upkeep of the historic buildings and spaces we are using for the festival making sure that these wonderful buildings and the history they represent are kept up.


3. In each space the audience will be given leaflets and documentation explaining the history, and importance of the space and suggesting ways to help sustain it.


4. we aim to make the FEELn festival an ongoing event in Bahia. Visiting and presenting our event in more cities and areas, bringing culture, education, entertainment and assistance to local communities everywhere.


5. We will hire buses to transport lower-income families to and from the Pelourinho during the event.  Ensuring they can attend, keeping their cost down and reducing the need for more cars.


6. We will work with the natural lighting and infrastructures in place, changing as little as possible, keeping the festival performances intimate, real, educational and simple with as little energy waste.


7.  Working closely with local businesses and vendors will bring more business and tourism. It will also promote the other attractions in the Pelourinho.


8. We intend to employ our clean-up team including youth (who we hope will set an example to other youth and adults alike) to ensure the buildings and spaces are clean and our recycle bins are used correctly.  Our helpers will be part of our FEELN SQUAD. They will have special distinctive tees and be trained and encouraged to communicate the history of each venue its significance and why we should keep the area clean and dispose of our waste well and protect the environment.


9. Feeln Festival is working with the local government to facilitate free metro and bus travel to and from the Feeln Festival, reducing the need for excessive vehicle use.

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